Welcome to Entre Hispanos
Share | Teach | Give | Connect | Inspire
Our Mission
The mission of Entre Hispanos is to share, teach, give, connect and inspire the Hispanic community in Central Texas. We achieve our mission through:
Financial Workshops
Conferences for the Community
Events & Networking
We have resources in Spanish to help the Hispanic community in Central Texas with diverse programming on our YouTube, Facebook and Instagram channels.
Weekly Programming:
Monday 10:00 – 10:30 am – Cooking Topics – Idett Martz
Tuesday 1:00 – 2:00 pm – Parenting Advise – Blanca Carrillo
Tuesday 7:00 – 8:00 pm: Don Dinero in La Poderosa Radio – Carmen Perea
Wednesday 7:00 – 8:00 pm – Entre Hispanos (Entrepreneurship) – Carmen Perea
Friday 12 – 1 pm – Dinero, Ahorros, Tips y Más – Carmen Perea
More programming coming soon…
Our Team
Carmen Perea
Graduated from the Universidad Tecnológica de México with a degree in Business Administration. She has a postgraduate degree from Universidad Anáhuac in Perinatology. In 2008, she immigrated to the United States and is primarily engaged in financial education, holding multiple licenses to practice in her field. Carmen is the author of the book, Dinero, Cosa de Todos los Días, with which she seeks to support the community to improve their habits and beliefs in money management. She is the founder of Entre Hispanos, because she knows that collaboration between Hispanics makes us more resilient and helps our community grow.
Blanca Carrillo
Blanca Carrillo was born in Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua, is a Certified Hairstylist and lives in Mosses Lake, Washington. Blanca is certified in the art of public speaking and is the host of the “Al Medio Día con Blanca” program on the Entre Hispanos platform where issues of child and family development are discussed. Blanca runs an autism awareness and inclusion campaign, Autismo Camino de Aprendizaje (A.C.A). In her free time, she dedicates herself to writing, painting and developing her creativity.
Idett Martz
Idett Martz, originally from the state of Jalisco. She grew up in the kitchens of her maternal grandmother and her mother, becoming passionate about the culinary arts. She is loving and resilient. She also loves to read, practice yoga, and constantly learning. Between housework and her passion for cooking, she decides to start a homemade food business, taking families in her community to recreate those memories through flavors. She lives in Austin, Texas and shares her recipes on social media and her YouTube channel.
Financial Workshops
Facilitated by Carmen Perea
Dinero, cosa de todos los días is a fascinating journey that takes us to learning from the origin of money to the present day and invites us to lose the fear of learning about finances.
This book guides us through the basic steps to achieve a better financial situation by learning how to manage our own finances and how to avoid the most common mistakes that most people make regarding money.
Money, an everyday matter
Credit Scores
Help! How do I get out of debt?
The ABC of investing
Get to work on it
In-person and virtual events
I highly recommend Entre Hispanos because they offer a lot of help and support to our community.
– Vicky Alvarez
We have regular networking events to connect with other Hispanics in Central Texas and we want you to be part of our group of friends. We invite you to stay connected with us, register your email below and we will be notifying you of our upcoming events.
Our Blog
Recetas con sentido
INVITACION AL LIBRO DE RECETAS DE ENTRE HISPANOS Porque el mundo ha cambiado y seguirá cambiando, porque nada es estático y todo siempre está en movimiento, porque tu presencia enriquece nuestra vida. Hoy tenemos el honor de extenderte esta invitación a participar en...
Limpieza y desinfección de los alimentos
Cuando hablamos de limpieza, es importante que también cuidemos nuestros alimentos ya que por el hecho de ser productos frescos y que provienen de arboles o de la tierra, ya poseen muchos microorganismos que podrían causar algunos estragos en nuestra salud si no...
Perdió a su padre cuando tenía un año de edad, Lo empezó a conocer a los 58
Nuestra invitada Susana Alvarado Perea, ha sido una destacada educadora, durante sus años de juventud desarrollo muchos proyectos interesantes como el concepto Ecolochiquilla, pero había algo en su corazón que la seguía calladamente desde que era una niña, la falta...
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